Harvey Withers is a well known Antique British sword author (book: British Military Swords) and sword salesman (HW has multiple / spam sites; antiqueswordsonline.com, britishmilitaryswords.co.uk, plus sells as AnglianSwords on eBay). Richard Dellar is a self-proclaimed and I say nauseous Napoleonic sword expert. Thing is, personal dislikes aside, they get things very wrong. Worse is, they never admit it even when presented with substantive evidence and hard facts.
I say, if you buy a sword from Harvey Withers, you must be nuts. You will pay a lot more than you need to because of his name / reputation, yet you actually stand a good chance of being ripped off. I also say that if you believe everything Richard Dellar blurts out, your appreciation of antique swords will be substantially flawed.
Harvey Withers has sold jimmy'd swords (swords which been damaged to cover the fact they are fakes, such as gouged proof marks) and he has sold reproductions as authentic (such as reproduction WW2 NCO katanas and 1840 US wrist breakers), plus wrongly described swords he should know better about (such as describing a British infantry sword as a British cavalry sabre).
Richard Dellar is a bully of a "man" who trolls around sword forums making trouble for anyone he disapproves of / has an agenda against, he is someone who has been caught out with multiple eBay accounts (AquaeSulis, JJRunkel, etc.) which he uses for unlawful purpose, and someone who has completely got it wrong about a certain French inspection mark (poincon) which he then abuses to claim certain French swords remained in French army service after Waterloo.
They refuse to accept their mistakes because they are both pompous fools with bad agendas / attitudes.
These blogs are therefore a public service a) to try and stop Harvey Withers from selling fakes / repros and other fraudulent swords and getting away with it, b) to try and get Richard Dellar to accept the documented facts regarding certain important Napoleonic French swords, and c) to show antique sword collectors that so-called experts can not be trusted, especially when they are selling swords! Sure, my blog about Harvey Withers being a wanted / convicted criminal in Florida is tongue in cheek but a) it does look like him and he has the same name, b) HW needs to be less pompous IMHO anyway, and I am sure this helps!
An offer to Harvey Withers and Richard Dellar;
If Harvey Withers would a) admit certain identified swords he has sold / is selling are reproductions, b) admit swords he has been caught selling have been jimmy'd, c) remove them from his sales site / contact the buyers to offer them a refund / compensation, and d) agree to properly deal with fake sword advisories / notifications in the future (we all make mistakes, but only to good admit to them), then I would gladly remove my warnings about him here.
If Richard Dellar would a) agree to terminate all of his unlawful additional eBay accounts and admit what he did was wrong, b) would agree to stop being a forum bully / troll, and c) agree to look and act on (undo the damage he has done) regarding the hard facts that certain important French inspection mark poincon, then I would gladly remove my warnings about him here.
Me, judge and jury?
If either Harvey Withers and / or Richard Dellar refute any of the above accusations, I would be more than happy to prove what I say is true / discuss this openly with them, no problem. They can contact me and discuss this by email: thailandswords@gmail.com
Have a nice day.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Harvey Withers appoints MajaBali PI to close Sword Sales EU !!!!
OMG, just wait until you read this Sword Sales EU / Harvey Withers subject text I received from one infamous MajaBali;
Listen Austin, I know it is you behind "British Swords Blogspot". I have been retained by the eminent sword expert and reference book publisher Harvey S Withers as his private investigator to a) see you go to jail for your vitriolic slanders, b) remove your web presence entirely and c) ensure you are never allowed anywhere near the Internet ever again. I know you are the so-called "phillip_in_new_zealand" that you featured on your blog and post defamatory messages against Harvey Withers on eBay; it is only a matter of time before eBay see reality and terminate this account of yours as well as all your other accounts. You are so transparent, really. You troll the Internet looking for people to attack and then create an army of supporters of one, yourself, with a thousand aliases. I know from my various contacts that you have recently bought a property in New Zealand from your ill-gotten gains and that you use another nation's passport to be able to slip through Interpol's radar; but they are onto you, be assured. They already know your address in poor New Zealand and the fact you go under a different name, "Phillip". Oh yes Austin, they are already watching you and waiting to arrest you the next time you try to travel. I have spoken with my good friend, the Governor of Bali, Made Pastika, and he has agreed there is a case for you to answer in Bali relating to your defamation's against Harvey Withers, as these defamation's can be seen on the island. So once Interpol arrests you and extradites you to Bali, Mr. Withers will join the long list of people you have falsely defamed who will see you in court and chains in Bali. I have also learned from Interpol that they are also investigating your fake sword business "Sword Sales EU" and say "We confirm we are investigating the said company for being the front for Mr. Austin's illegal child sex image and drugs business". So you must feel the walls are closing in on you at last Austin. If I were you, I would change your name, stay away from the computer and move to North Korea, being the only remaining country on this planet that will have you and ignore the Interpol arrest warrant against you.
Dr Roy Thompson
Truly, thank you "Dr. Thompson" (Roy has an Internet bought "diploma" in archeology of all things), I have never laughed so much in my life and will cherish, refer to and explode with laughter over and over for a long, long time. For those of you without the "benefit" of knowing Roy Thompson, I suggest you do a quick search on Google for "majabali"; here take a look at some of the fraud he gets up to; Roy Thomspon Bali eBay Crook say Dow Jones. Apart from the fact I thought (Mark) Austin lived in Spain or Portugal, the fact I am somehow also "phillip_in_new_zealand" is classic; just wait until you reveal your detective findings to your boss, Harvey Withers, Sherlock! You see, Harvey S Withers knows Phillip (in NZ) is who he says he is, not me, not Mark Austin of Sword Sales EU. What Roy "Sherlock" Thompson deduces is that my blog here phillip_in_new_zealand_blog proves that I am Phillip! Lost to Dr MajaBali Sherlock is the fact, if I am using one of my thousands of alleged aliases and have recently moved to NZ, is that Phillip in NZ has been a well known local militaria dealer in Auckland and on eBay since 1998 (see his eBay account here), so now I manage time travel as well as different identities; perhaps that's how I evade Interpol!
Well done Harvey, you have found the only "Private Investigator" in the world whose abilities in their chosen field match your own in yours. Harvey S Withers, the man whom actual sword experts agree plagiarized every scrap of information for his "British Military Swords" book from others, especially Brian Robson. Harvey S Withers, the man who sells reproductions. Harvey S Withers, the "expert" who can not tell the difference between an infantry sabre and a cavalry sword. Harvey Withers, the man wanted by Miami Police. Remember these documented facts, it explains why real sword experts never buy from Harvey Withers, they only ever sell to him!
As for the claims made by Chief Inspector Roy "MajaBali" Thompson regarding Sword Sales EU being a front for child sex images and drugs, I would suggest you first reflect upon Freud, second prepare for a side-splitting laughter induced bout of hiccups and then search once again on Google for "majabali". I suspect it will be his name you find on Interpol's search facility for drug peddling, pedophilia and criminal psychosis, not mine!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Harvey S Withers and Roy Thompson; Sword Sales EU's arch nemeses; Fatface (Withers) and Robbing (Thompson)!
Listen Austin, I know it is you behind "British Swords Blogspot". I have been retained by the eminent sword expert and reference book publisher Harvey S Withers as his private investigator to a) see you go to jail for your vitriolic slanders, b) remove your web presence entirely and c) ensure you are never allowed anywhere near the Internet ever again. I know you are the so-called "phillip_in_new_zealand" that you featured on your blog and post defamatory messages against Harvey Withers on eBay; it is only a matter of time before eBay see reality and terminate this account of yours as well as all your other accounts. You are so transparent, really. You troll the Internet looking for people to attack and then create an army of supporters of one, yourself, with a thousand aliases. I know from my various contacts that you have recently bought a property in New Zealand from your ill-gotten gains and that you use another nation's passport to be able to slip through Interpol's radar; but they are onto you, be assured. They already know your address in poor New Zealand and the fact you go under a different name, "Phillip". Oh yes Austin, they are already watching you and waiting to arrest you the next time you try to travel. I have spoken with my good friend, the Governor of Bali, Made Pastika, and he has agreed there is a case for you to answer in Bali relating to your defamation's against Harvey Withers, as these defamation's can be seen on the island. So once Interpol arrests you and extradites you to Bali, Mr. Withers will join the long list of people you have falsely defamed who will see you in court and chains in Bali. I have also learned from Interpol that they are also investigating your fake sword business "Sword Sales EU" and say "We confirm we are investigating the said company for being the front for Mr. Austin's illegal child sex image and drugs business". So you must feel the walls are closing in on you at last Austin. If I were you, I would change your name, stay away from the computer and move to North Korea, being the only remaining country on this planet that will have you and ignore the Interpol arrest warrant against you.
Dr Roy Thompson
Truly, thank you "Dr. Thompson" (Roy has an Internet bought "diploma" in archeology of all things), I have never laughed so much in my life and will cherish, refer to and explode with laughter over and over for a long, long time. For those of you without the "benefit" of knowing Roy Thompson, I suggest you do a quick search on Google for "majabali"; here take a look at some of the fraud he gets up to; Roy Thomspon Bali eBay Crook say Dow Jones. Apart from the fact I thought (Mark) Austin lived in Spain or Portugal, the fact I am somehow also "phillip_in_new_zealand" is classic; just wait until you reveal your detective findings to your boss, Harvey Withers, Sherlock! You see, Harvey S Withers knows Phillip (in NZ) is who he says he is, not me, not Mark Austin of Sword Sales EU. What Roy "Sherlock" Thompson deduces is that my blog here phillip_in_new_zealand_blog proves that I am Phillip! Lost to Dr MajaBali Sherlock is the fact, if I am using one of my thousands of alleged aliases and have recently moved to NZ, is that Phillip in NZ has been a well known local militaria dealer in Auckland and on eBay since 1998 (see his eBay account here), so now I manage time travel as well as different identities; perhaps that's how I evade Interpol!
Well done Harvey, you have found the only "Private Investigator" in the world whose abilities in their chosen field match your own in yours. Harvey S Withers, the man whom actual sword experts agree plagiarized every scrap of information for his "British Military Swords" book from others, especially Brian Robson. Harvey S Withers, the man who sells reproductions. Harvey S Withers, the "expert" who can not tell the difference between an infantry sabre and a cavalry sword. Harvey Withers, the man wanted by Miami Police. Remember these documented facts, it explains why real sword experts never buy from Harvey Withers, they only ever sell to him!
As for the claims made by Chief Inspector Roy "MajaBali" Thompson regarding Sword Sales EU being a front for child sex images and drugs, I would suggest you first reflect upon Freud, second prepare for a side-splitting laughter induced bout of hiccups and then search once again on Google for "majabali". I suspect it will be his name you find on Interpol's search facility for drug peddling, pedophilia and criminal psychosis, not mine!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Harvey S Withers and Roy Thompson; Sword Sales EU's arch nemeses; Fatface (Withers) and Robbing (Thompson)!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
email regarding Harvey Withers & UK Militaria
I received this email from Thomas Llewellyn-Scott;
Hello, i was recently reading your interesting blog so i thought i would share a few points on it.
First like you, when i first began collecting British swords i bought a few from Harvey Withers (one i am vaguely happy with), one thing he does is give very poor (possibly inaccurate) descriptions of the items, i once bought a 1827 Gothic Hilted Rifle Brigade Pattern sword, which he described as victorian and which i very much think is a modern version of the same pattern. It was at this point i stopped dealing with Mr Withers as the sword i had bought prior to that was also more damaged than the photographs had made out (Photographs which are very small i might add).
Once again, when i was new to collecting i mistakenly bought a Lifeguards 2 Battalion, 1892 Pattern Sword, from "UK Militaria", this sword i later found out to be a fake, as i couldn't find the relevant documents of purchase i have been unable to pursue the matter.
I was wondering where you suggest buying from? From your blog do i take it you run Swordsales.EU?
Hello, i was recently reading your interesting blog so i thought i would share a few points on it.
First like you, when i first began collecting British swords i bought a few from Harvey Withers (one i am vaguely happy with), one thing he does is give very poor (possibly inaccurate) descriptions of the items, i once bought a 1827 Gothic Hilted Rifle Brigade Pattern sword, which he described as victorian and which i very much think is a modern version of the same pattern. It was at this point i stopped dealing with Mr Withers as the sword i had bought prior to that was also more damaged than the photographs had made out (Photographs which are very small i might add).
Once again, when i was new to collecting i mistakenly bought a Lifeguards 2 Battalion, 1892 Pattern Sword, from "UK Militaria", this sword i later found out to be a fake, as i couldn't find the relevant documents of purchase i have been unable to pursue the matter.
I was wondering where you suggest buying from? From your blog do i take it you run Swordsales.EU?
Monday, February 14, 2011
Harvey Withers can not tell a repro from a real sword??
Harvey Withers is at it again. Having been told a sword he was selling was a repro by a number of real experts (which Harvey is not), Harvey went ahead and sold the fake sword anyway! This time he was caught selling a reproduction WW2 Japanese NCO's shin gunto katana red handed. Mr. Withers was duly advised of the fact it was a cheap Pakistani made copy, yet he decided to go ahead and sell it to some poor idiot anyway.
Here is that nasty, ugly, fake NCO katana on his web site, duly marked as "sold". Just ask any WW2 militaria expert; what Harvey sold was a 1990's repro. Notice the sarute loop; wrong, wrong, wrong. Notice the painted fuchi; wrong, wrong, wrong. Notice the position of the bohi / fuller / groove; wrong, wrong, wrong. Nasty repro. Nasty Harvey Withers. I say Harvey Withers belongs in jail, that he is selling these things knowingly and deliberately.

OK, OK, anyone can make a mistake, even a self-alleged expert like Harvey Withers. So my offer to him is as always, Harvey; 1) Allow other collectors to point out and debate any alleged repros / misdescribed items you are selling, 2) Contact all the various people (such the person who bought the above katana) you have mis-sold to and give them an unreserved apology and unconditional refund (including shipping costs), and I will let the world know that you have done these things on this blog (and hopefully never have cause to report your antics ever again). Come on Harvey, step up, refund those who got less then they paid for and I will gladly report you have been honorable over this.
Here is that nasty, ugly, fake NCO katana on his web site, duly marked as "sold". Just ask any WW2 militaria expert; what Harvey sold was a 1990's repro. Notice the sarute loop; wrong, wrong, wrong. Notice the painted fuchi; wrong, wrong, wrong. Notice the position of the bohi / fuller / groove; wrong, wrong, wrong. Nasty repro. Nasty Harvey Withers. I say Harvey Withers belongs in jail, that he is selling these things knowingly and deliberately.

Harvey Withers, SWORD FRAUD, CON "MAN" or IDIOT?
Harvey Withers, the self-sold, self-professed expert on antique swords has been at it again, and we have caught him red handed!
Oh look, here is a screen grab of Harvey Wither's "British Military Swords", on which he sells krap, masquerading it as authentic or something it is not.
Here is a screen grab of a sword Harvey sold to some poor Australian schlep as a British Napoleonic Cavalry Sword. OK, first, if it were a cavalry edged weapon, with that curvature of blade it would be a sabre, not a sword Harvey, you dim whit; some expert. Second, hmmm, I can not seem to find that pattern of cavalry sword / sabre in any reference book Mr. Withers, although it does strongly resemble an infantry sabre of that period! Oh, and the fact it only has a 28 inch blade might, well, make it totally useless as a cavalry sabre, wouldn't you say??!! That's right, Harvey Withers the sword expert and sword reference book author (don't believe a word, he just copied material from other people) has got it very, very wrong.

But, what makes this really bad is a) Harvey was informed of his mistake before he sold this krap, and b) then refused to refund the buyer! Mr. Withers seems to exhibit all the traits of a dope addict rather than a respectable edged weapon militaria dealer and expert, wouldn't you say?
Oh look, here is a screen grab of Harvey Wither's "British Military Swords", on which he sells krap, masquerading it as authentic or something it is not.
Here is a screen grab of a sword Harvey sold to some poor Australian schlep as a British Napoleonic Cavalry Sword. OK, first, if it were a cavalry edged weapon, with that curvature of blade it would be a sabre, not a sword Harvey, you dim whit; some expert. Second, hmmm, I can not seem to find that pattern of cavalry sword / sabre in any reference book Mr. Withers, although it does strongly resemble an infantry sabre of that period! Oh, and the fact it only has a 28 inch blade might, well, make it totally useless as a cavalry sabre, wouldn't you say??!! That's right, Harvey Withers the sword expert and sword reference book author (don't believe a word, he just copied material from other people) has got it very, very wrong.

But, what makes this really bad is a) Harvey was informed of his mistake before he sold this krap, and b) then refused to refund the buyer! Mr. Withers seems to exhibit all the traits of a dope addict rather than a respectable edged weapon militaria dealer and expert, wouldn't you say?
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