Sunday, August 14, 2011

Harvey Withers appoints MajaBali PI to close Sword Sales EU !!!!

OMG, just wait until you read this Sword Sales EU / Harvey Withers subject text I received from one infamous MajaBali;

Listen Austin, I know it is you behind "British Swords Blogspot". I have been retained by the eminent sword expert and reference book publisher Harvey S Withers as his private investigator to a) see you go to jail for your vitriolic slanders, b) remove your web presence entirely and c) ensure you are never allowed anywhere near the Internet ever again. I know you are the so-called "phillip_in_new_zealand" that you featured on your blog and post defamatory messages against Harvey Withers on eBay; it is only a matter of time before eBay see reality and terminate this account of yours as well as all your other accounts. You are so transparent, really. You troll the Internet looking for people to attack and then create an army of supporters of one, yourself, with a thousand aliases. I know from my various contacts that you have recently bought a property in New Zealand from your ill-gotten gains and that you use another nation's passport to be able to slip through Interpol's radar; but they are onto you, be assured. They already know your address in poor New Zealand and the fact you go under a different name, "Phillip". Oh yes Austin, they are already watching you and waiting to arrest you the next time you try to travel. I have spoken with my good friend, the Governor of Bali, Made Pastika, and he has agreed there is a case for you to answer in Bali relating to your defamation's against Harvey Withers, as these defamation's can be seen on the island. So once Interpol arrests you and extradites you to Bali, Mr. Withers will join the long list of people you have falsely defamed who will see you in court and chains in Bali. I have also learned from Interpol that they are also investigating your fake sword business "Sword Sales EU" and say "We confirm we are investigating the said company for being the front for Mr. Austin's illegal child sex image and drugs business". So you must feel the walls are closing in on you at last Austin. If I were you, I would change your name, stay away from the computer and move to North Korea, being the only remaining country on this planet that will have you and ignore the Interpol arrest warrant against you.

Dr Roy Thompson

Truly, thank you "Dr. Thompson" (Roy has an Internet bought "diploma" in archeology of all things), I have never laughed so much in my life and will cherish, refer to and explode with laughter over and over for a long, long time. For those of you without the "benefit" of knowing Roy Thompson, I suggest you do a quick search on Google for "majabali"; here take a look at some of the fraud he gets up to; Roy Thomspon Bali eBay Crook say Dow Jones. Apart from the fact I thought (Mark) Austin lived in Spain or Portugal, the fact I am somehow also "phillip_in_new_zealand" is classic; just wait until you reveal your detective findings to your boss, Harvey Withers, Sherlock! You see, Harvey S Withers knows Phillip (in NZ) is who he says he is, not me, not Mark Austin of Sword Sales EU. What Roy "Sherlock" Thompson deduces is that my blog here phillip_in_new_zealand_blog proves that I am Phillip! Lost to Dr MajaBali Sherlock is the fact, if I am using one of my thousands of alleged aliases and have recently moved to NZ, is that Phillip in NZ has been a well known local militaria dealer in Auckland and on eBay since 1998 (see his eBay account here), so now I manage time travel as well as different identities; perhaps that's how I evade Interpol!

Well done Harvey, you have found the only "Private Investigator" in the world whose abilities in their chosen field match your own in yours. Harvey S Withers, the man whom actual sword experts agree plagiarized every scrap of information for his "British Military Swords" book from others, especially Brian Robson. Harvey S Withers, the man who sells reproductions. Harvey S Withers, the "expert" who can not tell the difference between an infantry sabre and a cavalry sword. Harvey Withers, the man wanted by Miami Police. Remember these documented facts, it explains why real sword experts never buy from Harvey Withers, they only ever sell to him!

As for the claims made by Chief Inspector Roy "MajaBali" Thompson regarding Sword Sales EU being a front for child sex images and drugs, I would suggest you first reflect upon Freud, second prepare for a side-splitting laughter induced bout of hiccups and then search once again on Google for "majabali". I suspect it will be his name you find on Interpol's search facility for drug peddling, pedophilia and criminal psychosis, not mine!

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Harvey S Withers and Roy Thompson; Sword Sales EU's arch nemeses; Fatface (Withers) and Robbing (Thompson)!

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